For books, brochures, training materials and educational literature. 

From fresh water to the Atlantic and back. First of a series of illustrations to include a map of migration routes and the threats facing this incredible species.

Client: North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation

Atlantic salmon life cycle illustrated by Jenny Proudfoot in pencil and watercolour.
Smolt detail from Atlantic Salmon life cycle by Jenny Proudfoot Illustration. Smolt are young salmon ages 1-3.
Detail from Atlantic salmon life cycle  by Jenny Proudfoot illustration. Salmon eggs fertilised by adult salmon and parr.
Detail from Atlantic Salmon life cycle by Jenny Proudfoot. Eggs buried in gravel develop into alevin then tiny salmon fry.
Detail from Atlantic salmon life cycle  by Jenny Proudfoot illustration. Young salmon parr swim in a river.
Spawning salmon detail for an Atlantic salmon life cycle illustrated by Jenny Proudfoot.
Detail from Atlantic salmon life cycle, illustrated by Jenny Proudfoot in pencil and watercolour.

Drinks Worth Trying


Bird Brain